1999 Porsche Boxster (986) Cab

Stock No: 1893

1999 Porsche Boxster (986) Cab

Body: CAB

VIN: WP0CA2982XU630071


Drive: RWD

Mileage: 73000

Paint: SILVER ()

Interior: ()

Eng Size:

Eng Code:

Eng Serial:

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Added: 11/07/23

Tag Description Price Sale Price On Sale Condition Part Vehicle
112919 Good Used. - Fuel tank restraining strap $15.00 $7.50 USED - A 996 201 107 02 1999 Porsche Boxster (986)
112920 Good Used. - Fuel cap $10.00 $5.00 USED - A 996 201 241 03 1999 Porsche Boxster (986)
112922 Good Used. - Charcoal canister $200.00 $100.00 USED - A 996 201 221 03 1999 Porsche Boxster (986)
112923 Good Used. - Steering wheel, Black, superseded to 993347804568YR, 99334780456A28 $400.00 $200.00 USED - A 993 347 804 55 8YR 1999 Porsche Boxster (986)
112924 Good Used. - Steering column with lower steering shaft, superseded to 99634700705, 99634700709 $150.00 $75.00 USED - A 996 347 007 04 1999 Porsche Boxster (986)
112925 Good Used. - Steering lock, superseded to 99634701707 $100.00 $50.00 USED - A 996 347 017 06 1999 Porsche Boxster (986)
112926 Good Used. - Airbag, Black $150.00 $75.00 USED - A 996 803 089 01 1DB 1999 Porsche Boxster (986)
112927 Good Used. - Airbag, superseded to 99680307108 $35.00 $17.50 USED - A 996 803 071 07 1999 Porsche Boxster (986)
112928 Good Used. - Clockspring, superseded to 99665221101, 99665221102 $75.00 $37.50 USED - A 996 652 211 00 1999 Porsche Boxster (986)
112931 Good Used. - Front Bumper Cover, Bare $500.00 $500.00 USED - A 986 505 311 03 G2X 1999 Porsche Boxster (986)